Scalp Micropigmentation, what is it?

Hair tattooing or SMP (medical known as Scalp Micropigmentation), provides an excellent hair loss solution for both men and women. It has been proven to be a safe and effective, non-surgical technique that mirrors the look of shaven natural hair.

See comphrensive reviews and stories from our satisfied customers from around the world. See how Brandwood have changed lives.

Cost varies dependent on the amount of treatment required after consultation. But our guide to cost can give you a rough estimate.

We offer a range of finance options with 0% interest. It can start from as little as £95 pcm. SMP has never been so affordable.

Regarded as the world leading experts in SMP. Brandwood Clinic have trained many thousands of practitioners and won countless awards.

Hair tattooing, what can it do?

Hair tattooing or SMP (medically known as Scalp Micropigmentation), stands as an exceptional hair loss remedy suitable for both men and women. It’s a proven, non-surgical technique that offers a safe and effective way to replicate the appearance of natural hair. Clients are delighted to achieve the look of a closely shaven head or, for those with thinning hair, a thicker and fuller hairline.

A hair tattoo delivers a convincing illusion, making it an ideal choice for individuals dealing with various hair-related challenges, including skin disorders, alopecia, surgical or accidental scarring, pattern baldness, or thinning hair. If you seek a solution, a hair tattoo could be the answer you’ve been searching for.

In contrast to other alternatives like hair transplants, temporary concealers, or hair systems – which can sometimes be painful or high-maintenance – a hair tattoo is a permanent, stylish, and hassle-free procedure. It excels at seamlessly camouflaging baldness.

At Brandwood Clinic, we take pride in housing some of the world’s leading, highly experienced and trusted practitioners. Our unmatched expertise ensures the delivery of the finest, entirely natural-looking results, setting us apart on a global scale.

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What are the benefits of SMP?

Creates a youthful look

Provides you with a full and youthful looking head of closely shaven/ fuller & thicker hairline

Restores your hairline

Restore a natural looking hairline or improves density and thickness on thinning hair

Camouflages baldness

Permanently camouflages all forms of hair loss, including baldness caused by scars/ burns

Improves appearance

Dramatically reduces the visual impact of thinning hairs and/ or darken areas, providing balance

Rebuilds confidence

Helps to rebuild your confidence and self-esteem

How does Scalp Micropigmentation work?

Medical hair tattooing also referred to as Scalp Micropigmentation (or SMP for short), is a remarkable non-surgical procedure. Natural pigments are applied at the epidermal level of the skin via specialist micro needles. This mimics the natural appearance of hair at a very short length. Brandwood Clinic’s technique is trusted as the world’s best available treatment on the market today. Using only natural pigments, top practitioners and state of the art equipment, Brandwood Clinic delivers outstanding, natural looking results.

As hair follicles don’t naturally grow in the same directions, our practitioners take the time to fully observe and reproduce your unique hair pattern. Different shades of pigment are used to create the most realistic hairline for you. 

At Brandwood Clinic, we only use organic, naturally formulated pigments. They are then mixed with distilled water, alcohol and soothing witch hazel. All of our pigments have been fully tested and comply with COE ResAP (2008) 1 standards. Due to our inks being organic and non-acrylic based, they allow the scalp to hold colour better and to heal faster.

Hair tattooing is suitable for all types of hair loss, on all skin colours and types. The treatment can be undertaken at any age. Your unique hair tattoo is normally completed over the duration of 3 sessions, each lasting on average 3 – 4 hours. This allows for a gradual and natural build up of hair density, matched to your look. This procedure is very flexible; it allows you to change, add to and freshen up your look at anytime in the future.

At Brandwood Clinic everyone is treated as an individual. Thus there is no ‘one size fits all’ process that we apply.

The price of your treatment will depend very much on the stage of your hair loss and the type of look you require. It is based on the number of sessions and time required and the complexity of the procedure.

When you visit us for your free, no-obligation, style consultation and patch test we will issue a quote at that time which will be valid for a set period. If we start the treatment within that period that will be the price you pay, regardless of whether we have to spend more time on your treatment than initially suggested. We are always focussed on your satisfaction and achieving a look that we’re all happy with.

The average human scalp has an astonishing 100,000 hair follicles, 700-1000 per square inch. We are committed to delivering the most authentic replication possible – the appearance of natural hair. As a result it usually takes a minimum of three sessions to achieve a great result on a predominately bald head. Generally and depending on your specific needs, our advice on scheduling would be along these lines:

  • Initial Free Consultation: Consultation and patch test.
  • First Session; At least 24 hours after initial consultation. Likely to last between 3-4 hours depending on the complexity of your micro pigmentation needs.
  • Second Session: Approximately 1 week later, lasting 2-4 hours gently perfecting the colour and refining the hairline.
  • Third Session: 2 to 4 weeks later, 1-3 hours to perfect the shade and hairline for your perfect result.

Total time period to completion ranges between 4 – 6 weeks.

Our practitioners are the most qualified and experienced practitioners in the world, using their skills to train others. Simon Lane has a UK Diploma for permanent cosmetics and micropigmentation treatments and Level 4 in scalp procedures, the highest independent qualification available in the world.

Simon Lane also has a NVQ Level 4 in Anatomy & Physiology. Additionally we carry full practitioners insurance with our medical malpractice cover.

Health and safety is foremost in our considerations and Brandwood Clinic stringently follows the Health Protection Unit’s standards for infection control practices. Single-use needles are used by practitioners wearing medical gloves, all of which are appropriately disposed of immediately after use. All apparatus is sterilised to medical standards.

You can expect instant results with an immediately visible hairline as well as some redness, which will fade after a few days. Initially pigment dots can appear darker than planned. It may take up to four weeks before the pigments soften to their natural look and finished size. As mentioned above our treatments usually take three sessions with results improving after each.

Your treatment will last a lifetime if cared for and maintained in the right way. We will discuss all these options with you once we begin. We generally recommend brief touch-ups every three to six years. We do advise caution with the sun as sunburn can have a detrimental effect on your SMP. 

If you have scars from a hair transplant SMP can help to camouflage them. Our practitioners are extremely skilled in this procedure and have personal experience of such scarring. SMP can camouflage all forms of scarring: Strip, plug, FUE, flat, raised and indented.

We issue a 24-month guarantee dated from the end of your final session. We were the first and still one of the few Clinics worldwide to offer this length of guarantee. Full details are available at time of booking.

Our consultation process is quite extensive and we will work to your instructions to create an appropriate and authentic hairline. A wax pencil is used to demonstrate the position of the hairline that will work for you. Your satisfaction is paramount and your preferences will be observed. Many choices are available from a firmly defined hairline to a soft, jagged or perhaps even a mature, slightly receding effect. We tend to advise a soft line initially making adjustments to reach perfection during the treatment process.

Some initial softening may occur as your natural shade is achieved. Providing that you follow the correct after-care, including use of sun-screen, the effect of SMP will be adequately maintained.

No, it is a minimally invasive procedure that most clients describe as feeling a slight discomfort.

SMP is suitable for anyone over the age of 18, or below with parental consent. We have also treated clients in their 60s and 70s.

We provide complete after-care guidelines following each session. Intense (sweat-producing) exercise, swimming in chlorine filled waters or the sea is not recommended for 28 days after your final treatment and the scalp should not be washed or shaved for 4 days following each session. We highly recommend using our Alivio product range to support your healing process as well as being used as part of your skin care routine.

It can be down to personal tastes and your speed of re-growth. Most clients tend to adopt a freshly shaved or ‘buzzed’ look shaving every 1-2 days. Letting your hair grow out will adjust the appearance thus we tend to advise that you take care to see what level of grooming is required.

Hair colour is generally comprised of many different shades. Our talented practitioners are always careful to match these colours when carrying out the procedure. The use of shades is central to our ability to deliver a realistic result.

Most people retain this light and shade throughout their life, giving a ‘salt and pepper’ effect when older. The look of the SMP may also soften in time and should age with you.

Our method of blending SMP into your remaining hair with decreasing intensity means that the noticeability of future loss is minimised. Treatments can be topped-up to maintain a fuller look.

Having treated thousands of clients we have yet to experience this issue. Any removal process would be similar to that of a tattoo with the exception that Brandwood clinic micro pigmentation is only situated within the 2nd dermal skin layer, a conventional tattoo is almost twice as deep. A full reversal could easily be achieved with a laser treatment. We envisage our clients may wish to change their look, perhaps soften a hairline or maybe even recede slightly as an individual becomes older. It is possible to soften a hairline with only 20 minutes of laser treatment.

Our pigment is totally organic, natural, plant-based and even vegan-friendly. We believe it is the most ethical pigment in use in any UK clinic.

As it is organic we believe it aids the healing process, there is less recovery time.

Alongside the issue of price, the most common question we’re asked is about the pigment. We think the treatment is about more than this and people should be more concerned about experience, technique and skill – even needle size is potentially more significant.

It is important that you should undertake your own research, look at the galleries and previous treatments, read the client studies and talk to the practitioners. We believe that once you’ve done this there is only one choice and that is Brandwood Clinic.


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Let's gather a few quick details, so we can personalise your results...

What is your gender?

What are your pronouns?

What does your hairline look like?

Describe what your primary reason for considering scalp micropigmentation is?

How long have you been dealing with your hair loss concerns?


Have you had any previous treatment for your hair loss?

What is your hair type?

What is your natural hair colour?